The SPEAK Train the Trainer Programme aims to accredit a select group of Facilitators, Human Resources and management with training on processes, knowledge and skills to deploy this programme within the organisation.
This allows for extended reach at a local and international level whilst mitigating costs.
The success of the programme involves a number of stages as outlined in the following timeline.
The purpose of each stage includes:
Stage One
Programme set-up
To place your organisation in the best possible position to deploy SPEAK to promote wellbeing within your organisation by establishing a strategy that assures success of SPEAK deployment and mitigates risks. Considerations include:
Gnorizo to train your organisation in customising the non-clinical content of The SPEAK Programme Booklet.
Confirm governance process.
Confirm strategy.
Stage One
Facilitator selection
Confirm Facilitator selection criteria.
Facilitators to complete pre Train the Trainer assessments.
Facilitators to participate in consultations with Head Facilitator and Gnorizo.
Head Facilitator to offer selected individuals the role of Facilitator and for these individuals to sign a SPEAK Facilitator Agreement.
Stage Two
Pre Train the Trainer
Facilitators to complete comprehensive activities in the Pre-Train the Trainer Workbook. This material aims to provide Facilitators with the background knowledge required to effectively present SPEAK. It also aims to start to prepare Facilitators developmentally and assist them with the skills to create a safe space for exploring potentially sensitive material without judgment.
Stage Three
Train the Trainer
To provide in depth training for Facilitators on presenting The SPEAK Programme, aspects of its deployment and to further the developmental learning of Stage Two.
Stage Four
Facilitator Accreditation
Gnorizo to accredit Facilitators to present The SPEAK Programme.
Stage Five
To deploy SPEAK and embed it into the organisational culture. Facilitators to be supported by Head Facilitator and Gnorizo.